Do you have an up-to-date browser installed and have you cleared the cache?
Our webshop is developed using the latest technology. For this reason, older browsers may not be compatible with this technology. We recommend installing a current browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera.
We also recommend clearing the temporary internet files (browser cache) and cookies from time to time.
How and where can I register in the webshop?
Since we operate a purely B2B webshop, private customers cannot register.
If you already have a customer number with us, you can register directly in the shop. To do this, fill in the appropriate fields. We will send the registration confirmation to the customer email address stored with us.
If you have any questions about the webshop, please send an email to
Or use the inquiry option on our product pages.
Please note that response times may sometimes be longer.
How can I get a price quote?
To do this, add the relevant items to the shopping cart and then click on the shopping cart icon
In the shopping cart, go through the process at "Checkout" until you see the "Price Inquiry" button at the bottom right of the order overview.
What are wish or order lists?
Wish or order lists are auxiliary lists that you can create individually. You can place individual items or the entire list directly into the shopping cart from the wish or order lists.
What is the "Own Item Number" field on the product pages for?
In the "Own Item Number" field, you can enter your item number for the corresponding product. You can then also search for your item number in the webshop to find the corresponding product. To enter the item number, simply click in the field, enter it accordingly, and confirm with the ENTER key.
Alternatively, you can maintain the numbers centrally in the My Account area -- Configuration -- Own Item Numbers.
For the EVN item number PS-KS-USB3.0AB-WS (Keystone white, USB3.0 coupler, front A, back B), you have the number DEMO-123 in your company. If you now enter this in the webshop, you can also search for DEMO-123 to find the "Keystone white, USB3.0 coupler, front A, back B" page.
Once you have entered the number, you can even give our sales staff the corresponding number over the phone. They will then also find the product.

Why can't I find any results with the search in the order history or for all transactions?
This can have several causes. Check whether the transaction also fits the year/month restriction.
You can also use a wildcard.
This wildcard is not * (asterisk) but a % (percent) sign!
You are looking for an older order with a socket and enter the word socket. The search does not yield any or only inaccurate results. However, if you enter %socket, you will find one or more results.
What payment methods are available?
You should generally select the payment method Standard. This is the payment method agreed with us, which is also stored in the customer base.
The payment method Invoice can be selected optionally.
The payment term is then "payable immediately net without discount".
What shipping methods are available?
Please note the specific provision and collection times for pickup.
The costs and further details can be found in the order summary in the checkout area.